G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #311

Writer: Larry Hama
Pencils: Chris Mooneyham


In Springfield, Serpentor Khan’s enhanced mutant cyborgs follow “Cobra Commander” to the high school football field, where they are ambushed by Rattlers and Mambas. Just as it appears (the real) Cobra has the upper hand, Serpentor Khan arrives, leading his air forces on a CLAW. More cyborgs are air-dropped, leading to even more carnage. However, Serpentor Khan’s forces are ambushed, themselves, by a freshly-arrived Destro, leading his MARS troops in Despoilers. M ARS deploys their ground troops and armor as things escalate even more!

Zartan and the Dreadnoks successfully get the Baroness to the Springfield ER. Zartan disguises himself as “Cobra Commander” to gain priority and order the medical personnel to operate on the Baroness.

In the bunker at the Springfield Rec Center, the real Cobra Commander is watching everything on monitors. Surprised by Destro’s arrival, a Tele-Viper wonders if Cobra Commander should but a deal with him, again…then re-considers, as Destro probably believes that “Cobra Commander”, in his battle armor, just shot her.

Finally, as the big MARS vs. Cobra vs. Cyborgs fight rages, things seemingly reach a crescendo, as Destro and Serpentor Khan prepare to go one-on-one.


  • Zartan, disguised as Cobra Commander gives out a typical CC/Hama order to the OR staff: “Can one of you finish this operation if this idiot becomes suddenly incapacitated by a jacketed hollow point?”
  • The only Joes visible in this issue are the “ninja force/team”. Yet they’re little more than cameos, as it’s mainly all the bad guys fighting.
  • A Frag-Viper picks up a Gattling gun type of weapon and becomes pretty prominent with Serpentor Khan’s forces.
  • The Revanche stealth bombers, which looked decidedly orindary in the last few issues, but are now suddenly appearing as v-shaped (conventional?) stealth bombers.
  • There is one panel of Rattler pilot, which could be Wild Weasel, or it could just be a random Rattler pilot.We haven’t seen Wild Weasel since he was (seemingly) shot down and killed back in issue 165, and then in a 1984 flashback in issue 280. However, in this issue it would appear that he is shot down, again. Still: “unless you see the body, he ain’t dead”….so I’ll tentatively score this as an appearance for Wild Weasel.
  • Chris Mooneyham does a great job, this issue. Especially with the battle scenes, as they just scream ACTION. He even makes the usually lame Despoilers look impressive.
  • If I were 10 or 12, I could see myself wanting to emulate this panel:
Serpentor Khan

Characters (figures): Snake-Eyes, Storm Shadow, Scarlett, Jinx, Zartan, Torch, Thrasher, Zandar, Zarana, Zanzibar, Ripper (cameo),Buzzer (cameo), Road Pig (cameo), Cobra Commander, Baroness, Destro, Wild Weasel (?),

Characters (“comic only”): Serpentor Khan, Dawn Moreno

Vehicles and stuff (toys): Cobra Stinger, Cobra Rattler, Cobra Mamba, Cobra CLAW, Destro’s Razorback, Destro’s DEMON, Destro’s Despoiler

Vehicles and stuff (“comic only”): Revanche Stealth Bomber, MARS Cargo plane, Cobra Aspid.

Firsties: MARS Cargo plane

Rating: 4 Flag Points

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