G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #304

Writer: Larry Hama | Pencils: Chris Mooneyham


To the surprise of maybe 3 people, it’s revealed that Snake-Eyes and Scarlett were not killed by Enhanced Blue Zombie Ninjas; despite what video evidence sent to Cobra may have shown. Airtight, Mainframe, Black Hat and Wild Bill arrive in the Tomahawk to take the Blue Ninja pieces back to the Pit, then begin an attempt to reverse-engineer them. In mid-flight, one of the Blue Ninjas reactivates, and the Joes are able to survive the skirmish.

In Springfield, Dawn Moreno has her own run-in with Enhanced Blue Ninja Mutants and discovers that they eventually self-destruct, and reports this info to the Pit.. How plot-convenient! Another threesome of Blue Ninjas is also attempting to sneak into the Pit, but Spirit Iron-Knife apparently has a pending surprise for them.

Cobra Commander rallies his troops in Springfield. Finally, at Castle Destro, no less than Zartan appears before Destro and the Baroness, offering to make a deal.


  • Basically, all 3 sides have been spying on, and watching, the others. Nobody’s aware of, nor concerned about, Destro and Zartan at this point.
  • Scarlett tells Snake-Eyes: “We’d better get dressed” and he opens a trunk to reveal his old “window shade visor” gear. Basically his 1985 “V2” figure and, arguably, his most memorable and distinctive look.
  • Airtight actually uses his “Sniffer” in combat…but bashing a Blue Ninja in the head.
  • Dawn laments to herself that “mom and pop are still loyal Cobras” and they’re worried about her being discovered. I don’t think it’s been addressed that they know she’s with the Joes. Maybe? Help me out…
  • Dr. Mindbender mentions: “We can rip out the slot machine, blackjack tables, and roulette wheels to make room for the (Revanche) surgical bots”. So, there’ goes the official casino portion of the “Cobra Casino”.
  • Cobra Commander has a new hooded look. I was never a big fan of the generic hood, so I’m okay with this new look. It always bugged me how he was charging into battle with the generic hood on, circa issue 128. For REASONS, Hasbro has been moving away from the “traditional” cloth hood.


Characters (figures): Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Airtight, Mainframe, Wild Bill, Stalker, Spirit Iron-Knife, Lady Jaye, Duke, Cobra Commander, Dr. Mindbender, Destro, Baroness, Zartan

Characters (comic-only):  Serpentor Khan, Dawn Moreno, Oscar Moreno, Elena Moreno, Alpha-001, Black Hat

Vehicles & Stuff (toys): Tomahawk, Cobra Maggot (cameo),

Vehicles & Stuff (not toys): none

Firsties: none

Rating: 2 Flag Points

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