G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #273

Writer: Larry Hama
Pencils: Robert Atkins


As the Joe paratroopers arrive outside the Springfield Community Center, so do the Oktober Guard and Crystal Ball. The Arashikage group arrives at the Springfield train station, while the remaining Joes (on busses) are still on their way. Along with the Dreadnoks and Destro’s Iron Grenadiers/MARS faction.

Inside the Community Center, “Snake-Eyes” (Throwdown) turns the tables on his Cobra captors. He even caps Cobra Commander in the knee and shoots Dr. Mindbender’s leg. More Vipers and Crimson Guards prepare to attack, as the issue ends.


  • Yup, that’s it. I know I’ve said this about once every six issues, since the IDW relaunch, but: “this story will read better in a TPB/collected edition”.
  • Well, at least fans of the various Vipers should be happy, as we’ve had Frag-Vipers, HEAT Vipers, Alley Vipers and Laser Vipers in action. There even appears to be a few Night-Creepers on the last page. Plus, I think the first full appearance of a “Crimson Guard Immortal” (although I feel like those have appeared, before…and I just Hama’d, errr, FORGOT them)
  • Crystal Ball actually uses his spinny hypno shield, again.
  • For the third issue in a row, we’ve had a buncha’ Joes mobilized…and riding on a bus.
  • Saving grace for this issue is the letters page. A fan asks about the “real world” characters who inspired Stalker, Zartan and Snake-Eyes. Stalker is based on Hama’s pal and former LRRP, Ed Davis.
  • Zartan is “loosely based on a real person as well. A biker with a mercurial personality, and an old fashioned code of conduct
  • Snake-Eyes was “based on a door-gunner from the 1st Air Cav (horse blankets) who rarely said anything, but had a commanding and intimidating presence. People shut up when he entered a room. I never saw him with the aviator shades”.
  • I’d say take the above, plus some of Hama’s ninja-inspired mid-70’s stuff from “Iron Fist” and you’ve got Snake-Eyes.
  • Once again, I’m copying and tagging the obligatory “Joe Team Shot” and trying to identify everyone. There’s an odd character who I’m scoring as “Hit & Run”… but the face mask doesn’t seem right. Again, feel free to correct me.
  • Also seems funny that Dusty’s making a joke about Junkyard, when Junkyard’s on the other bus.


Characters (figures): Hawk, Duke, Roadblock, Cover Girl, Mainframe, Muskrat, Storm Shadow, Scarlett, Budo, Helix, Ripcord, Airborne, Freefall, Torpedo, Wet-Suit, Tunnel Rat, Lady Jaye, Stalker, Clutch, Rock & Roll, Flint, Falcon, Lifeline, Spirit, Sci-fi, Law, Psyche-Out, Low-light, Dusty, Shipwreck, Chuckles, Footloose, Leatherneck, Recoil, Short-Fuse, Zap, Tripwire, Recondo, Barbeque, Gung Ho, Mutt, Hit & Run (?), Cobra Commander, Dr. Mindbender, Destro, Baroness, Zartan, Buzzer, Ripper, Thrasher, Road Pig, Burn Out, Ripper, Crystal Ball, Col. Brekhov, Daina, Horrorshow, Schrage, Stormavik, Dragonsky

Characters (Comic-only): Demon Granny, Milo, Raymond, Dawn Moreno, Throwdown/Snake-Eyes II

Vehicles (toys): HISS, Dreadnok Thunder Machine, Iron Grenadier AGP

Vehicles (not toys): GI Joe busses/transports

Firsties: none

Rating: 2 Flag Points

13 thoughts on “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #273

  • Not even bothering to rate the issue anymore. I totally don’t blame you, lol.

    • GenFlagg

      Ha! My bad… didn’t even realize I forgot that. It’s another “meh” 2 Flag Point rating. The colors are looking very nice, lately, and Hama’s info about the character inspirations was cool.

      I mean, instead of a BUS, couldn’t they have used the APC or something? I think are even a few modern re-releases of that vehicle that would’ve made fans happy.

  • So true, lol!! Why the heck are the Joes – who have access to a ton of cool vehicles – riding a freaking bus?

  • Great Issue, Why Hit and Run had a mask? and Why Lifeline is a African American?, Oh Well, I bet there lots a mistake, However they fix it, Lucky they had bring back Crazylegs from the dead.

    • GenFlagg

      It’s coming. “Stay tuned, True Believers!”

      Also messing with some new FIRST ISSUE reviews. One involving Spider-Man and the other involving a late 70’s licensed property— one that I’ve been getting requests for, since about 2004.

  • Mark "Funky Bunch"

    Crimson Guard immortal has definitely appeared a few times before

    • GenFlagg

      You’re right. Looked it up and it looks like I scored their “first appearance” in issue 226:

      My No Prize Explanation for forgetting that: it’s actually different people under the masks… so THESE particular Immortals (whom we haven’t seen before) are making their First Appearance. 🙂

      • Mark "Funky Bunch"

        Also there is a blink and you miss it appearance of the CG Immortal in #116 (where it looks like they are acting as a bodyguard to CC). I think they weren’t used again until much later on in the IDW run as you say.

        • GenFlagg

          Wow. I opened up issue 116, while in the Option38 Command Center, tonight…and you’re absolutely right! The CG Immortals appear on the second page. They even have those double-silo missile thingies that came with their figures. Thanks for the heads up. I never knew that they made an appearance in the Marvel run, but there they are, right under my nose.

          When I started doing these index/recaps in 2007-2008, I think I gave up scoring all the various Cobra troops, sometime around issue 80 or so. Whenever they started producing all the specialty “Vipers”, Night, Heat, Gyro, etc.

  • Mark "Funky Bunch"

    “Lifeline” looks to be miscolored as Stretcher


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