G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #257

Writer: Larry Hama
Pencils: Ron Joseph


Sightline, Ambush, Bombstrike and Milo continue fighting the Dr. Venom Bot in the Springfield Rec Center. The Joes use a flame-thrower and a Revanche energy sword, but can’t put him down. The noise attracts the attention of Cobra Commander, Baroness and a group of Frag-Vipers and HEAT Vipers.

Back in control of his own body, Dr. Mindbender agrees to work with the Joes to fight the Venom-Bot. The cyborg Storm Shadow also agrees, finding it to be the most logical path of action. The Venom-Bot makes it out of the Rec Center and is blasted by a column of HISS tanks. Yet it manages to survive and grabs Cobra Commander in its robotic claws.


  • The smart-ass in me wanted to write this as the full summary: “the Joes shoot the Venom-Bot. The Cobras do, too. It goes on”.
  • I know I’ve said this a buncha’ (technical term) times: but this story will read better as a “collected edition”. As a single comic, it’s not making me too excited.
  • The cyborg Storm Shadow wraps himself in cloth, so he resembles the real Storm Shadow a bit more.
  • The cyborg Stormie is reminding me of another Hama robot/cyborg: “Albert” from Hama’s run on Wolverine, circa 1990.
  • The Venom-Bot reminds me of Marvel’s Arnim Zola a bit. Especially with the digitized face on a computer screen.
  • Frag-Vipers pop up every so often, but this time their actual specialty of “guys who chuck frag grenades” gets a mini-spotlight.
  • The original FANG helicopters makes a quick cameo. I think it’s been a long time since we’ve seen those. Maybe circa issue 30?
  • I’m liking Ron Joseph’s art. He has a very expressive style to his figures, without trying to be too flashy. His layouts and perspectives are very good, too. To me, he feels a little bit like some of the styles I’d seen in Marvel and DC, circa 1998-2003.
  • Once again, I ended up with the “B” cover, so I’m slapping that up there, for my own selfish indexing purposes. It seems like the “A” covers seem to be more desirable and are often harder to find. What have YOU guys seen?


Characters (figures): Bombstrike, Sightline, Ambush, Cobra Commander, Baroness, Dr. Mindbender

Characters (comic-only): Dr. Venom, Milo

Vehicles and stuff (toys): HISS Tanks, FANG Helicopters, Venom-Bot

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): Venom-Bot


Vehicles and stuff: none

Rating: 2 Flag Points

4 thoughts on “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #257

  • Robert

    I must have missed something. Did Storm Shadow die? Why are his memories inside of a robot?

    • GenFlagg

      I’d have to say it’s from Storm Shadow’s time in the Brainwave Scanner, circa issue 148 or so. I guess Dr. Venom was floating around inside it and found Stormie’s memories. I’ve almost grown accustomed to having the Scanner be the main explanation for…pretty much everything but Hawk’s wristwatch.

      • Robert

        That’s interesting. It’s also over 100 issues worth of memories that the robot wouldn’t have. It could lead to some continuity errors down the road if they keep the robot around.

  • Virtual Dr. Venom in Dr. Mindbenders body wanting revenge on Snake-Eyes for literally doing nothing is weak and it seems lost as Venom-Bot seeks out Cobra Commander instead.. Venom-Bot reminds me of the first failed prototype in RoboCop 2, and maybe it should have suffered the same fate.


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