G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)G.I. Joe: Special Missions

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #251

Writer: Larry Hama
Pencils: Alex Sanchez


Stalker is having nightmarish flashback from his past in Vietnam and in Detroit. “I’ve got dead men putting guilt trips on me in my dreams, and I’ve got the bullies from my old nabe reminding me of my helplessness”. He discusses it with Spirit Iron-Knife, but is relucatant to do a full-on session with the team’s shrink, Pysche-Out. He’s mostly worried about “losing it when the team is counting on me”.

Along with Zap and Shipwreck, Stalker is then sent to Sierra Gordo to deal with a terrorist hostage situation. American medical students and fculty have been taken captive by a “neo-trotyskite” group. The Joes survey the situation from an adjacent hotel, and encounter some solid resistance from the terrorists. Zap and Shipwreck are given the greenlight to engage on the hostage situation, while Stalker single-handedly fights off a group that had been sent to kill them.

With the situation resolved, Stalker seemingly regains his confidence, as Zap tells him: “are you kidding me? The Stalker man never drops the ball!”


  • I absolutely loved this issue. Good, self-contained story that features one of my favorites (Stalker) and makes good use of the “Hama-verse”, as we’ve got Sierra Gordo, plus a genuine sense of comraderie between the Joes.
  • Best issue in years and probably the best since the 155.5 relaunch. See my rating, below! This is the type of story I’d like to see more of.
  • As promoted and labeled, this has a deliberate “Special Missions” feel to it. Thus, it’s one of the few issues that I have listed in both the “ARAH” and “Special Missions” categories, here on Dis’ Crappy Website
  • In Stalker’s Detroit flashback, he appears to have something of a “Jheri Curl” haircut.
  • The word “Vietnam” is not spoken or listed in this issue. That may be a deliberate attempt to make these stories timeless. Similar to how Reed Richards and Ben Grimm were originally WWII vets, then as time wore on, it became “they were in the military”.
  • In the Vietnam flashback, he’s pursued by zombie versions of Dickie Saperstein and Ramon Escobedo. Yet Zombie-Dickie says: “me and Angel”…
  • Couple ways to No-Prize or “NOH Award” this. First, “Angel” could be Ramon’s middle name or nickname (codename, if you will). Second, “Angel” could be some other guy, as there are more than two dead bodies around Stalker. I prefer the first explanation.
  • I’m always a proponent of more editorial asterisk boxes in modern comics, so even though I know what “L.R.R.P” means, it made me smile to see a box defining it!
  • You could nitpick and wonder why Stalker, Zap and Shipwreck are on a mission where they’re essentially being used as snipers. Why not Low-light, Sci-Fi (if you’re an Action Force fan) or even Long Range (who’s magically become a sniper in the current continuity)? I “NOH Award” this by saying that the Joes are specialists in all areas.
  • “Neo-Trotskyite” sounds like something more suited for the 80’s, but you could surmise that a modern-day terrorist group based on Leon Trotsky’s principles exists. Just cuz’ they’re “terrorists”, doesn’t mean they’re in the ISIS camp, kids.
  • In the letters page, Hama answers a fan’s request to see Raptor again. He says he’s “mulling ways” to bring Raptor back. Bad idea, because Raptor was part of the victims of the infamous “ARBCO Star freighter”, circa issue 99. He’s also been mentioned as “dead”, before. Including by fans who counted the actual dead bodies in scenes involving the ARBCO Star. In short: it would be bad idea to bring Raptor back (Dean Moriarty homage and all)
  • I didn’t realize it until I finished the book, but this issue has a very cool wrap-around cover!

G.I. Joe 251 - Stalker


Characters (figures): Stalker, Rock n’ Roll, Spirit Iron-Knife, Zap, Shipwreck, Storm Shadow (cameo), Snake-Eyes (cameo)
Characters (comic only): Ramon Escobedo (corpse), Dickie Saperstein (corpse)

Vehicles and stuff: None

Rating: 5 Flag Points

2 thoughts on “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #251

  • Stalker out there looking like Carl Weathers in this issue!

    • GenFlagg

      Oh yeah. One of the big reasons I love “Predator”. When I first saw it, in 1987, I thought: “whoa! He looks like Stalker!”

      “Baby, you got a stew goin’!”

      And for what it’s worth, Terry Crews in “Expendables” is my vision of a live-action Roadblock.


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